

Get Tamagui set up, step by step

We recommend using npm create to set up one or more of the example apps via npm create tamagui. It's useful even if integrating into an existing app.


You can use the 0-dependency (outside of react itself) @tamagui/core, or move higher level with tamagui, which is a superset of core adding many components and hooks. We recommend yarn in general because it works well with both monorepos and React Native. Still, pnpm and npm work well too.

For just the core style library:

yarn add @tamagui/core

If you want tamagui, you can avoid core and just:

yarn add tamagui

Add TamaguiProvider at the root of your app and you are fully set up:

// optional but recommended CSS reset:
import '@tamagui/core/reset.css'
import { TamaguiProvider, View } from '@tamagui/core'
export default () => (
<View width={200} height={200} backgroundColor="red" />

Tamagui doesn't require any bundler setup for either web or native.

Typically you'll want to set up a few things with createTamagui though - for example media queries, or custom fonts.

The configuration documentation covers this in detail, but if you'd like to get started quick with some decent defaults we have @tamagui/config:

import { TamaguiProvider, createTamagui } from '@tamagui/core'
import { config } from '@tamagui/config/v3'
// you usually export this from a tamagui.config.ts file
const tamaguiConfig = createTamagui(config)
// make TypeScript type everything based on your config
type Conf = typeof tamaguiConfig
declare module '@tamagui/core' {
interface TamaguiCustomConfig extends Conf {}
export default () => {
return (
<TamaguiProvider config={tamaguiConfig}>
{/* your app here */}

You should be ready to use any component:

import { Button } from 'tamagui'
export default function Demo() {
return <Button>Hello world</Button>

From here, we'd recommend spending some time understanding configuration. Tamagui works 100% the same at runtime as at compile-time, so you can wait until you're needing some extra performance to set up the compiler.


Tamagui generally doesn't require any special bundler setup, but React Native Web and the ecosystem of React Native packages often do. Tamagui provides a variety of plugins for compatibility and simplifying compiler setup.

We also have more in-depth guides:



